Here’s random links and my short thoughts about them. Mostly for my own reference but you’re welcome to them.
Holla @ 7b8a0e01-2cdc-4d3b-bd13-bdafa4575a10↗“the love of money is the root of all evil”↗To follow the path: look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.↗sketchy domain name? check. no design skillz? check. incredibly simple and useful information? check. This is what the web should be.↗Takuya Nakamura - Elevator Music↗Watched the LGR video on aquarium screensaver by Jim Sachs, check out this archive of his amiga pixel art. Definately some of the best of the era.↗minimal shell-style web design providing some very useful DNS/IP debug utils including dynamic dns↗Set up encrypted DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) on OpenWrt↗I heard you liked shortcuts so I sent you a shortcut from your shortcut so you can shortcut in your shortcuts↗Check out this page I made for my website to keep track of random notes and other links. I can post here with Apple shortcuts lol↗Now I can feel cool while I play pirated games like I used to! From the uploader - This is a collection of 100 of the best keygen songs of all time in my subjective opinion. It's a mixture of iconic keygen music and more obscure tracks that represent keygen music and its many diverse sub-genres. All tracks recorded using XMPlay. Each song is appropriately tagged, and the metadata contains a comment pointing to their current website (if they're still active), or an archive of their work (if they aren't).↗