Your Ideas Deserve to Be Shared

“My ideas are stupid because I am stupid.”

Your ideas are not stupid. You are not stupid.

You are the only you. Can you believe that? Find me another you and I’ll give you all my money. What makes you you?

Your ideas.

I’m not talking about your favorite sports team. I’m talking about why you wake up in the morning. What are you looking forward to? Why? As you reflect on your life’s experiences, what insights do you find?

“Everyone is an expert about themselves.”

In 2009 I thought it would be a good idea to get on the local college’s student government. For some reason there were retreats. At one of them, they were talking about leadership or something (idk I was playing tetris on my flip phone) and some guy said that “Everyone is an expert about themselves.” I’ve thought about that a lot. If you understand that, you can talk to anyone. If you can talk to anyone, you can love them. When you love everyone, you are happy.

Why not let me love you? I can’t ask you about yourself because I don’t know who you are. But you can tell me who you are.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

You have unlimited potential. When you share your ideas, you concentrate and process them into something tangible. That dynamic synthesis, the “relation relating to itself”, is unique to you. What will you do with that potential? You can’t escape it, just as much as you can’t fail to live up to it. It’s just you, already, like it or not.

I like it!

I’ve never met someone I didn’t like. I’ve met people that were doing things I didn’t like and I didn’t get much insight into the rest of their behaviors. I’ve always found a lot to like about anyone. The worst coworker I’ve ever was also incredibly talented at volleyball and an extremely dedicated father.

Turns out, people aren’t their behaviors. By interacting positively with others, you can give them an opportunity to live to their potential. It’s not complicated but for me it’s hard because it takes a lot of courage. Smile at the cashier. Hold the door open. Be nice to old people. Be nice to everyone. Use kind language. Be patient. Know your worth. Forgive others. Listen.

It seems like people are convinced they are bad so they do bad behavior but if you are able to show them that you accept and love them anyways, they realize they are not bad and are actually good, and like doing good things.

I told my son that no matter what anyone says to you, you should always respond as if it were a sincere compliment. “Thanks!☺️” Turns out, people would rather be nice to you than be mean. Especially if you are nice.

Knowing that I like everybody means that I know I’ll like you. I like your ideas. I want to know more about you. I’ve very interested in trying to understand the world from your perspective. I appreciate your earnestness and sincerity, I know it’s hard to open yourself up. By opening yourself up, you are allowing others to love you. When you feel loved, you are happy. I want you to be happy.

I am happy.

Your ideas deserve to be shared.

Send me a friend request.