Should you use iCloud Drive to store your dotfiles?
Should you? I can’t answer that. What I can say is here’s how I did it.
Where is iCloud Drive even on your computer? Jeffrey Morgan told me it’s here:
~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
I took it a step further and symlinked the folder:
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs ~/iCloud
Then I mkdir ~/iCloud/dotfiles
and started linking my configs:
# ssh
mv ~/.ssh ~/iCloud/dotfiles/
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotfiles/.ssh .ssh
# zshrc
mv ~/.zshrc ~/iCloud/dotfiles/
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
# POSIX config
mv .config/ ~/iCloud/dotfiles/.config/
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotfiles/.config .config
Then you can make a bash script if you’re cool or a blog post if you’re me!
PS -
Sam says to make sure your iCloud Drive is e2e encypted (sup NSA call me 🤙) by going into system settings and turning on “advanced data protection”