HTML 'components' with Jekyll and Liquid

I’ve been working on for a few years now. Initially, it was supposed to be a place where I could put links to various bootlegs/recordings of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard live shows on YouTube,, or elsewhere. I kind of ran out of steam on that because I stopped listening to so many of them. When they put out 9 hours of Red Rocks bootlegs, my time for the other shows gets soaked up! I might keep doing it someday, but for now sites like mostly scratch that itch.

I thought it might be fun to turn the site into a more traditional news blog for Gizz related news. There’s a lot to keep track of and I can still post live show videos!

And yet, one must imagine the blogger happy.
And yet, one must imagine the blogger happy.

One thing I’m super hip on is modern semantic HTML. Semantic HTML makes everyone’s lives easier in ways that pay dividends. For example, Safari Reader mode displays semantic HTML in a more coherent way by default, with no CSS required on your part. Indeed, I look towards a future where documents on the web are distributed without opinions on how the user might want to consume the document. For example, if a user is blind.

One of the super hip things about modern semantic HTML is the <figure> tag. What is a figure and what does it do? Look at the image above! The MDN docs describe it nicely:

The <figure> HTML element represents self-contained content, potentially with an optional caption, which is specified using the <figcaption> element. The figure, its caption, and its contents are referenced as a single unit.

I can hardly believe in the year 2024 we finally have a nice way to add a caption to an image!</s> But it’s more than just images, the MDN docs give examples of quotes, poems, or other content. As MDN puts it, a figure is any ‘self-contained content’.

As an HTML zealot, I must strive to use the most perfect HTML structure I can. So when I started building a new blog from the ground up, I just had to use it! The problem - I like to write my posts in markdown and I don’t really want to have a bunch of repeated html every time I want to use a figure.

For a while now, I’ve wondered how I could make HTML “components” in Jekyll. Turns out, you totally can!

./_includes/figure.html </>
  <img src="{{include.src}}" alt="{{include.alt}}">
  {% if include.caption %}
  {% endif %}

./_posts/ </>
{% include
  alt="Alt text is mandatory for accessibility."

You can even use variables like caption=page.title. Note that within the template, variables are accessed via include.caption.

That’s it! Super simple and make the markdown a lot cleaner, in my opinion.

PS -

If you want to display some liquid syntax and not process it, you can use this:

{% raw %}
 {{ liquid }}
{% end-DELETEME-raw %}